November 5, 2022

Exclusive Playstesting Event

Evento de Playtesting Exclusivo

During the EVA, our game was a hit, but we couldn’t ignore the fact that many people missed out on the chance to play Runa and the ChakurĂș Legacy. To remedy this, we organized an exclusive playtesting event that was accessible through a giveaway.

This give away took place on October 31st, 2022, and the winners had the opportunity to play the game exclusively on November 5th of the same year. More than 20 people participated in the event, and we received valuable feedback on the game’s progress.

The winners were given the opportunity to try out all the features of the game and provide feedback on their experience. This allowed us to identify areas for improvement and ensure that the game meets our users’ expectations. But the event wasn’t just about playtesting; the winners also received merchandise and had a great time with us.

In addition to being a valuable opportunity to improve the game, we had a lot of fun during the process. We loved having our most engaged users with us and are excited to share the complete game with everyone soon.

In summary, the exclusive playtesting event for Runa and the ChakurĂș Legacy was a success. The winners tested the latest available version and provided feedback. It was a fun and new experience for everyone, and we hope that the official launch will be equally exciting for everyone.
